
Clusters 2.0 at DocksTheFuture 2019

Clusters 2.0 was presented on 4th April at the DocksTheFuture mid-term conference in Trieste, Italy. The conference was embedded within the Horizon 2020 programme and was aiming at presenting the latest developments in the designing of the Port of the Future. Consorzio IB Innovation, one of the consortium members, explained how the innovative solutions of Clusters 2.0 can contribute towards this goal. Clusters 2.0 is a Horizon2020 funded project that will advance more sustainable transport and logistics through transport planning…

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Clusters 2.0 4th plenary meeting held at Piraeus Container Terminal

The project partner Piraeus Container Terminal hosted Clusters 2.0 4th plenary meeting on 5th 6th February 2019 in the unique location provided by Port of Piraeus, one of the biggest in the Mediterranean sea and in Europe as a whole. The consortium presented the overall status of the project, focusing on the results reached so far under each Living Lab. For each of them, the status was presented, followed by a discussion regarding the strategy to adopt henceforward. After discussing the…

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Clusters 2.0 reviewed by the European Commission

The latest developments of Clusers 2.0 have been reviewed by the European Commission during a meeting with all consotium members hosted by AirCargo Belgium. The reviewed has assessed the progress of Clusters 2.0 towards its second half objectives. The impact of its results and solutions has also been acknowledged. The aim of receiving feedback and recommendations is to better plan the road ahead in order to ensure a successful execution of the project and to maximise its contribution to EU research and innovation programmes. During the…

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Clusters 2.0 project reaches midterm progress with remarkable results

The project shows its results to date and the challenges to be faced in the future. Five solutions have been presented with effective outcomes to the three Living Labs to validate the project achievements into a real business context. Clusters 2.0 consortium members and partners are proud to present the first results towards a more sustainable goods transport system in Europe. The project has reached the midterm and outlined three Living Labs in order to define the business model: Proximity…

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Clusters 2.0 at Innovation and Networking Days 2018

The Innovation and Networking Days 2018 took place on 21th – 22 th November in Torino (Italy) hosted by LINKS Foundation and co-organized by ISMB and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT). This event allows innovators from industry, research and public administrations to meet, share, network and discuss different facets of a broad topic that, in this edition was How Information and Communication Technologies can support environmental sustainability of production, products and services. Vicent Pastor, R&D&I Funding Director at Enide, company part…

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Clusters 2.0 Newsletter #3

Our third CLUSTERS 2.0 Newsletter is ready for you! It includes: • An interview with Hilde Havermans from Nallian: What is the CargoStream Solution, the results already achieved and challenges ahead? • A description of Slot Booking App and the Massification Project • A report of the events where we participate, including the 4th International Conference on Railway Technology, second EHLIG meeting and much more!

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CLUSTERS 2.0 presented during COREALIS first plenary meeting

CLUSTERS 2.0 presented during COREALIS first plenary meeting CLUSTERS 2.0 project was presented during COREALIS first plenary meeting in Antwerp on 4th of October. The aim of this presentation was to inform COREALIS consortium about the technological innovations made in the context of CLUSTERS 2.0 and how COREALIS can possibly capitalize on them. Elena Krikigianni from SEABILITY partner presented the main highlights about CLUSTERS 2.0 and how COREALIS could be benefited from the cooperation between these two projects. Some of the…

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Second EHLIG experts meeting group held in Amsterdam

The second European – High Level Industry Group (EHLIG) meeting was held in Amsterdam on 26th September. As well as the first edition, this event joint together logistics experts and high-level executives to discuss and give feedback on the results and innovation.   During the expert meeting organized by CLUSTERS 2.0, Elvina Nowak from Euralogistics presented a brief glance of Euralogistics work and the “massification” concept related to logistics needs. In addition to the main massification advantages, Nowak stressed the…

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EU Flag

Clusters 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723265

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