CLUSTERS 2.0 presented during COREALIS first plenary meeting

CLUSTERS 2.0 project was presented during COREALIS first plenary meeting in Antwerp on 4th of October. The aim of this presentation was to inform COREALIS consortium about the technological innovations made in the context of CLUSTERS 2.0 and how COREALIS can possibly capitalize on them.

CLUSTERS 2.0 presented at COREALIS first plenary meeting

Elena Krikigianni from SEABILITY partner presented the main highlights about CLUSTERS 2.0 and how COREALIS could be benefited from the cooperation between these two projects.

Some of the most important conclusions are:

  • Seamless and reliable cargo transfer enabled by new IT solutions to streamline incoming and outgoing information processes.
  • Develop Dymanic Terminal Management Systems to plan and optimize loading and unloading processes in the terminals (taking into account loading and unloading available time slots, traffic conditions and estimated time of arrival of pick up vehicles).
  • Shipment planning and Cargo stream optimization
  • Forward multi-modal planning for shipments
  • Develop a methodology to asses and benchmark environmental and socio-economic performance of logistics.