The Innovation and Networking Days 2018 took place on 21th – 22 th November in Torino (Italy) hosted by LINKS Foundation and co-organized by ISMB and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT). This event allows innovators from industry, research and public administrations to meet, share, network and discuss different facets of a broad topic that, in this edition was How Information and Communication Technologies can support environmental sustainability of production, products and services.

Vicent Pastor, R&D&I Funding Director at Enide, company part of the project consortium, presented Clusters 2.0 during the plenary session “Cluster 2.0, leveraging the potential of European Logistic Clusters”. Pastor was also invited to moderate the roundtable on Smart Mobility and Logistics with these fields specialists.

The event unfolded through two consecutive half-days organized around inspirational speeches and technical presentations, informal discussions at World Café and networking opportunities*.
