CluCS solution

Cluster Community System (CluCS)

Alice Benini from Consorzio IB Innovation (Interporto Bologna spa Group) explains how Clusters Community System (CluCS) is supporting the governance of the Bologna Proximity Terminal network.

Cluster Community System (CluCS) is an IT platform managing the resources within a cluster and the synchronization of operations in the cluster network of hubs, terminals and warehouses. CluCS provides functions on three main levels:

  • Shippers can visualise and book services, while logistic service providers (LSPs) can publish and make their services available.
  • CluCS enables cargo bundling at the cluster level, integrating transport services with terminal operations and value-added services.
  • Monitoring and notification of unexpected events, and dynamic re-planning and execution.

CluCS can be defined as a “physical platform”, as it offers services strictly related to physical facilities and within the defined geographical boundaries of a Proximity Terminal Network (PTN).

The main beneficiaries of ClucS are shippers, LSPs, freight forwarders and different companies active in a cluster. Especially for SMEs, CluCS represents the advantage of digitising their transport chain, making them more competitive. 

CluCS coordinates and optimises the logistics resources and infrastructure of a cluster through a cooperative booking and planning of transport, handling and services. This leads to:

  • Reduced logistics costs, due to consolidation of shipments;
  • Shorter lead times, due to synchronised multimodal solutions;
  • Increased volumes;
  • Increased reliability, due to visibility and monitoring functions at Cluster level.

EU Flag

Clusters 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723265

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