
Clusters 2.0 Newsletter #5

NEWSLETTER #5                Our fifth CLUSTERS 2.0 Newsletter is ready for you! You will find: • An interview with Paolo Paganelli from Bluegreen about Innovation management; • An insight into Massification workshops; • The latest news about Clusters 2.0 solutions: CluCS, NMLU, SlotBooking Application; • An overview of our past and upcoming events and much more! READ THE NEWSLETTER #5

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Clusters 2.0 Newsletter #4

NEWSLETTER #4                 Our fourth CLUSTERS 2.0 Newsletter is ready for you! You will find: • An interview with Alice Benini from Consorzio IB Innovation (Interporto Bologna SpA Group) about CluCS; • The latest news about the first NMLU prototype; • The publication of the month by Milos Milenković from Zaragoza Logistics Center; • An overview of our past and next events, including DocksTheFuture 2019, the third EHLIG meeting and the IPIC conference and much more! [READ THE NEWSLETTER…

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Clusters 2.0 Newsletter #3

Our third CLUSTERS 2.0 Newsletter is ready for you! It includes: • An interview with Hilde Havermans from Nallian: What is the CargoStream Solution, the results already achieved and challenges ahead? • A description of Slot Booking App and the Massification Project • A report of the events where we participate, including the 4th International Conference on Railway Technology, second EHLIG meeting and much more!

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Clusters 2.0 Newsletter #2

Dear Clusters 2.0 follower Our second CLUSTERS 2.0 Newsletter is ready for you. It includes: An interview with Patrick van der Vlaenderen, from CityDepot, who discuss about challenges and results of the New Modular Logistics Units living lab, where a new type of subcontainer logistics units are designed A description of CargoStream and CluCS. Both solutions are being developed as part of the project A description of the events where we participate, including the TRA in Vienna and the SIL…

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Clusters 2.0 Newsletter #1

Dear Cluster 2.0 follower We’re thrilled to present to you our first CLUSTERS 2.0 Newsletter, which includes: The definition of a logistics clusters, its advantages for those who are part of it and its benefits for the environment. An interview with Marcel Huschebeck, coordinator of CLUSTERS 2.0 from PTV Group, where he discusses the project’s ambitions, expected results and how CLUSTERS 2.0 differs from other projects A recap and pictures from our first general meeting in Bologna A summary of…

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Clusters 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723265

Disclaimer: The content of this website reflects only the author’s view. Neither the European Commission nor the INEA are responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.