
ALICE Infoday in Brussels

ALICE Infoday – December 14th December was a busy month. After the Clusters 2.0 executive board and ALICE’s Plenary meeting, our days in Brussels culminated with ALICE’s Info-day and Brokerage Event on H2020 funding opportunities for logistics. More than 90 participants from relevant companies in Europe attended and relevant topics were addressed in order to connect potential partners and to get a complete study of all the possibilities of improvement in the field. Clusters 2.0 was mentioned several times as…

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ALICE Plenary Meeting – December 13th

Many of the partners who had taken part in Clusters 2.0 executive board met again at ALICE (Alliance for Logistic Innovation through Collaboration in Europe) Plenary meeting in Brussels on December 13th. One of the major topics was the importance of ALICE’s roadmap renew al on Physical Internet, which now targets 2030 instead of 2050 and which will help not only all manufacturing industries, since it means reduced required investments, but also the environment. In this sense, a new ambitious…

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Project Executive Board at Brussels

CLUSTERS 2.0 Project Executive Board – December 12th and 13th On December 12th and 13th the Executive Board of Clusters met in Brussels, with the objectives to plan the upcoming innovations to improve the performance of logistic hubs around Europe. Procter & Gamble hosted the meeting, which consisted of important presentations by members from entities such as PTV, Nallian, Interporto di Bologna Innovation, Fraunhofer and more. The board discussed main issues such as supply chain approach, scope and priority within…

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CLUSTERS 2.0 project kick-off meeting

Today, Clusters 2.0 project has initiate their activities: almost 30 different European companies and institutions have gathered in the premises of Euralogistic – CCI Artois, at Dourges, France, to share and discuss the activities and expectations around this ambitious action, aimed to empower the logistics hubs of Europe into a leading position in terms of efficiency and performance while considering the social and environmental impact of logistics.

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EU Flag

Clusters 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723265

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