ALICE Infoday – December 14th

December was a busy month. After the Clusters 2.0 executive board and ALICE’s Plenary meeting, our days in Brussels culminated with ALICE’s Info-day and Brokerage Event on H2020 funding opportunities for logistics. More than 90 participants from relevant companies in Europe attended and relevant topics were addressed in order to connect potential partners and to get a complete study of all the possibilities of improvement in the field. Clusters 2.0 was mentioned several times as an example of a project aligned with H2020’s innovation agenda, as well as the Physical Internet initiative.

It was encouraging to experience how many of us are interested in exploring new technologies and business models and are willing to cooperate with each other to overcome the main logistic issues, which affect not only businesses but also the environment. A change is needed and we are thrilled to be a part of this.