Several members of the Clusters 2.0 consortium participated in The Transport Logistic in Munich from June 4 to 7 2019.

What is Transport Logistic?

Transport Logistics is the largest trade fair in the world for logistics, transport, IT and supply management. It takes place every other year in Munich, Germany. According to their final report, the 2019 edition counted more than 2,300 exhibitors and around 64,000 participants from 125 countries.

Why did Clusters 2.0 participate?

As a promoter of innovative solutions supporting sustainable transport and logistics, Clusters 2.0 participated in the Transport Logistics Fair as the right platform to discuss the most pressing challenges related to transport and logistics. It also represented a fruitful occasion of interacting with a targeted audience: policymakers, service providers, industries and associations in the field logistics, etc. One of Clusters 2.0 main goals is, in fact, to create awareness of its actions and to promote its results among whom may need them.

Several members of the Clusters 2.0 consortium took part in the fair:

carlo Vaghi from FIT Consulting presenting Clusters 2.0 at Transport Logitic 2019 in Munich.

  • Alice Benini from Consorzio IB Innovation presented our solution Cluster Community System (CluCS) at the stand of Interporto Bologna;
  • Eric Guenther  from UIC moderated a session on new rail logistics concepts in multimodal transport at the side market place seminar;
  • Carlo Vaghi from FIT Consulting presented Clusters 2.0 during the previously mentioned session. He explained why multimodality and cooperation are vital to ensure sustainable logistics and transport.
  • Florian Krietsch and the coordinator Marcel Huschebeck presented Clusters 2.0 at the PTV stand.

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