Clusters 2.0 Final event
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The vision of CLUSTERS 2.0


Enhancing and advancing towards a better co-ordination between logistics actors in clusters


Improving coordination and connectivity between European logistics clusters


Making optimal use of an Open Network of Logistics Clusters

What is CLUSTERS 2.0 providing?

Logistics solutions

Innovations and solutions for a more efficient and more sustainable logistics.

Asset management

Optimized handover and asset management through real time services at depots and terminals

Governance models

Newly developed governance models introducing the role of a neutral agent forming the basis for new business model


Regulation and policy enhancing the set-up of collaborative cluster environments

CLUSTERS 2.0 living labs

Proximity Terminal Network

Located at Bologna Freight Village and Trieste Port, it will test and validate the Cluster Community System (CluCS)

Symbiotic Network of Logistics Clusters

Connecting TEN-T corridors’ hubs

Warehousing, intermodality, city and airport distribution

NMLU with innovative handling and transhipment technology in four different scenarios of intermodal modes

EU Flag

Clusters 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723265

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