
Clusters 2.0 Newsletter #2

Dear Clusters 2.0 follower Our second CLUSTERS 2.0 Newsletter is ready for you. It includes: An interview with Patrick van der Vlaenderen, from CityDepot, who discuss about challenges and results of the New Modular Logistics Units living lab, where a new type of subcontainer logistics units are designed A description of CargoStream and CluCS. Both solutions are being developed as part of the project A description of the events where we participate, including the TRA in Vienna and the SIL…

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Clusters 2.0 presence at SIL 2018

Clusters 2.0 presence at SIL 2018. Clusters 2.0 was present in the SIL 2018 through a stand, several presentations and participation in a shippers focused brokerage event. We have the opportunity to explain the project to dozens of organizations, includind shippers, logistics companies and clusters’ stakeholders. SIL is the leading exhibition for logistics, transport and supply chain in Southern Europe, with the participation of 650 companies and organizations from 41 countries. SIL 2018 was held in Barcelona. Read the SIL…

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TRA2018 conference highlights

Clusters 2.0 participated in TRA 2018, the biggest transport research conference in Europe. H2020 Clusters 2.0 project was presented during the Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA) Conference at Vienna, Austria. The conference was attended by European industry representatives from all major transport sectors. About TRA 2018 TRA 2018 was hosted and organized by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology as chair of the Management Committee, together with the Austrian Institute for Technology as chair of the Programme Committee…

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Join us at TRA 2018 in Vienna

Join us at the TRA in Vienna! Clusters 2.0 will be present at the G02 ALICE booth during TRA (Transport Research Arena). Special dedicated presentations on: Tuesday 17th Apr 2018 at 12:05 Tuesday 17th Apr 2018 at 17:30

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Meeting and visit at Piraeus port

Mar 21st, 2018. Several Clusters 2.0 partners get a profitable meeting and tour in Piraeus Container Terminal, Greece. They can appreciate the quay cranes at work!    

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Video about modular logistics units from VDV (Association of German Transport Companies)

The VDV (Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen = Association of German Transport Companies) has produced a interesting animation film on modern railfreight (Its about bringing beer to a family to watch a football match). Interestingly they show waggons with small containers (similar to NMLUs..)  and they point out the horizontal transhipping technique. Here you can see the video – in german -:

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Second Project Board Meeting in Karlsruhe

Clusters 2.0 Board Meeting – February 2018 The Second Project Board meeting was held at Karlsruhe (Germany) on 22-23 February 2018, hosted by PTV Group. The consortium has presented the overall status of the Clusters 2.0 project, focusing on the progresses made under each Living Lab. For each of them, the status was presented and a discussion regarding next steps were performed. Focusing on the Business orientation, the break down structure of each business ecosystem was shown, and plans on…

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Article about Clusters 2.0, by Milos Milenkovic from ZLC

Supply Chain Management Review published an article from Milos Milenkovic from ZLC about Clusters 2.0: “Cluster-Based Freight Corridors Could Drive Sustainable Logistics in Europe”. “A hyperconnected network of logistics clusters could play a key role in achieving the European Union’s goal of creating a sustainable, more efficient freight transportation system” Read the complete article at SCMR

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First Project Board Meeting in Bologna

Project Board Meeting – October 2017 Last October 2017, CLUSTER 2.0’s team met at Interporto Bologna for the first Project Board meeting. Responsibles from PTV, BlueGreen, ENIDE and more got together to discuss the future of logistics, with focus on efficiency and innovation. The meeting lasted two whole days; the first day mainly concentrated on Symbiotic Network of Logistics Clusters (based on CargoStream) and Proximity Terminal Network (PTN) updates, amongst other issues regarding CLUSTER 2.0’s organization, partner roles and next…

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EU Flag

Clusters 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723265

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