Dirk ‘t Hooft
Clusters 2.0 participates at the IPIC 2017 – 4th International Physical Internet Conference held in Graz, Austria on the 4th of July 2017, participating in a dedicated session, covering different aspects of the project.
The session aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the Clusters 2.0 project, wich vision is to leverage the full potential of European Logistics Clusters for a sustainable, efficient and fully integrated transport system. Clusters 2.0 was represented in the Session by our coordinator, and different partners explaining several ambitions and challenges faced, as well as expected outcomes.
Session leader:

Elvina Nowak
- Marcel Huschebeck – Manager Logistics Research, PTV Group, Germany
- Introduction of Clusters 2.0; Dirk`t Hooft – Senior Advisor Logistics Collaboration, Argusi, The Netherlands
- CargoStream; Marc Verelst – Commercial Engineer, Procter & Gamble, Belgium
- Rail massification: challenges and opportunities for Physical Internet; Elvina Nowak – Chargée de mission partenariats et projets européens, Euralogistic, France

Marc Verelst
- Connecting flows between European Clusters; Frans Cruijssen – Partner, Argusi, The Netherlands.
More information can be found on the IPIC 2017 website.
Find presentations of the Clusters 2.0 session here.