
Logistics clusters become value creators for the regions where they are formed, where a mix of good intermodal connections, logistics platforms and large freight volumes are in place – as in the case of Zaragoza (PLAZA), Duisburg (Duisport), Lille (Dourges), Bologna (Interporto) or London (Heathrow). Once the logistics cluster is well established, the scale creates a virtuous circle building increasing availability of intermodal connections and value added services: co-packing, late product differentiation, vehicle fill optimization and last-mile connections with cities. Time to market, transportation and handling costs are improved and overall emissions and energy utilization reduced. Mature logistics clusters represent an asset for their specific region, as they are growth, employment and competitiveness generators, strengthening economic and social status.
However, well-established logistics clusters still do not leverage their full potentials in terms of competitiveness and sustainability for the European industry and society, due to several reasons:
• Not enough coordination between the local actors in the cluster,
• Not enough connectivity and coordination between European logistics clusters to maximize the full network potential of the clusters and related hubs.
Moreover, logistics clusters also need to deal and minimize negative impacts such as congestion, noise, land use and local pollution.

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Clusters 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723265

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