Cluster Community System (CluCS)
Cluster Community System (CluCS) is an IT platform managing the resources within a cluster and the synchronization of operations in the cluster network of hubs, terminals and warehouses. CluCS provides functions on three main levels:
- Shippers can visualise and book services, while logistic service providers (LSPs) can publish and make their services available.
- CluCS enables cargo bundling at the cluster level, integrating transport services with terminal operations and value-added services.
- Monitoring and notification of unexpected events, and dynamic re-planning and execution.
CluCS can be defined as a “physical platform”, as it offers services strictly related to physical facilities and within the defined geographical boundaries of a Proximity Terminal Network (PTN).
The main beneficiaries of ClucS are shippers, LSPs, freight forwarders and different companies active in a cluster. Especially for SMEs, CluCS represents the advantage of digitising their transport chain, making them more competitive.
CluCS coordinates and optimises the logistics resources and infrastructure of a cluster through a cooperative booking and planning of transport, handling and services. This leads to:
- Reduced logistics costs, due to consolidation of shipments;
- Shorter lead times, due to synchronised multimodal solutions;
- Increased volumes;
- Increased reliability, due to visibility and monitoring functions at Cluster level.